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The Fit

Our custom shirts are made to fit your own very unique body dimensions.  We focus on the measurements shown here to craft a shirt with a fit you can never achieve from "ready to wear" shelf shirts.

Key points of our measurements include:

  • Neck measurements to ensure proper circumference, length and slope.

  • Point-to-point shoulder measurements.

  • Accommodations to your shoulder slope; normal, sloping, high slope, etc.

  • Separate measurements for the circumference of your chest, mid-section, and waist.

  • Do you have a large chest and narrow waist? A normal waist but a large waist? Something in between? We can craft a shirt to accommodate all of these body types.

  • Both arms are measured for length, with shirts accommodating any difference.

  • Each wrist is measured and accommodated.

  • Do you wear a large watch? We will size your cuff to accommodate your watch.

  • Do you have a long body? We'll make your shirt longer so your shirt stays tucked in properly.

  • Do you have a short body? We'll shorten your shirt so you're not tucking in too much material.